Name Brazil
(long form) Federative Republic of Brazil
Population 186,112,800 (5 out of 192)
Capital City Brasilia (2.2 mil)
Currency Real (BRL)
Languages Portuguese, Spanish, English, French
National Day September 7
Religions Catholic (74%), Protestant (15%), others
Latitude/Longitude (Capital City) 15° 45' S, 47° 57' W
Relative Location Brazil, dissected by both the Equator and Tropic of Capricorn, is positioned in the northern, southern and western hemispheres. Covering almost 50% of South America, Brazil is bordered by Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana and the Atlantic Ocean.
Coastline 7,491 km
Land Areas
(land) 8,456,510sq km
(water) 55,455 sq km
(TOTAL) 8,511,965 sq km (5 out of 192)
Landforms Brazil is divided into five primary geographic areas: the northern Guiana Highlands; Brazilian Highlands (or plateau) central and east; the massive Amazon River Basin; Pantanal wetland areas of the southwest, and the Southern Highlands - to the west and south of Curitiba.
The Brazilian Highlands are covered by low mountain ranges and forested river valleys. From Rio de Janeiro - north to Fortaleza, a series of higher mountain ranges form a natural barrier between the Atlantic Ocean and the country's interior.
The Pantanal is the world’s largest freshwater wetland, a seasonally flooded plain fed by the tributaries of many rivers. For size comparison, it's almost 10 times the size of the Florida Everglades.
The Amazon is the world's largest tropical rain forest. It's drained by the huge Amazon River, and more than 200 of its tributaries - with more than a dozen of those tributaries being on (The Longest Rivers of the World) list. The Sao Francisco is the longest river completely within Brazil's borders.
The Guiana Highlands, a relatively flat-topped mountainous area covered by rain forest, stretches across much of northern South America. It is home to many of the planet's most spectacular waterfalls, and Brazil's highest point.
Highest Pt. Pico da Neblina 3,014 m
Lowest Pt. Atlantic Ocean - 0 m
Climate Brazil's weather varies widely from north to south; the inland plateaus, including cities such as Belo Horizonte and Brasilia enjoy a rather mild climate, while the coastal cities of the east and southeast, like Salvador and Rio de Janeiro, are much warmer.
Climate Brazil's weather varies widely from north to south; the inland plateaus, including cities such as Belo Horizonte and Brasilia enjoy a rather mild climate, while the coastal cities of the east and southeast, like Salvador and Rio de Janeiro, are much warmer.
The northeastern area is the hottest region in the country, where summer temperatures exceeding 38°C are somewhat common. In the far south, conditions are subtropical, with frequent frosts in fall and winter.
The entire Amazon River basin region is hot, humid (sticky) throughout the entire year, with an average annual temperature of 27°C.
As for rainfall, the heaviest amounts occur in the upper-reaches of the Amazon, where more than 2921 mm is the yearly average.
Generally, the seasons in Brazil are just the opposite of those in the U. S. and Europe; (spring) October to December; (summer) January to March; (fall) April to June, (winter) July through September.
Distance between Tehran, Iran and Brasilia, Brazil, as the crow flies: 11865 km
Distance between Tehran, Iran and Brasilia, Brazil, as the crow flies: 11865 km
Distance between Brisbane, Australia and Brasilia, Brazil, as the crow flies: 14699 km
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